NEOAHEC has a wide range of resources available to students in a professional health program. These resources work together to facilitate rural rotations in eastern Oregon, provide housing to students who rotate, offer scholarships, educate students about the benefits of working in rural healthcare, and to continue education once they have entered the workforce.
Campus for Rural Health
NEOAHEC hosts the eastern Oregon OHSU Campus for Rural Health. In this role, NEOAHEC serves as a conduit for clinical placements, housing coordination, preceptor development, and learner satisfaction for schools and programs whose learners are rotating throughout the region. We identify new preceptors and hospitals/clinics, coordinate placement, provide support to preceptors, and provide housing and assess ongoing need.
Campus for Rural Health Community Project
NEOAHEC coordinates a community project for the Campus for Rural Health that changes year to year. The goal of the project is to make improvements in the health of communities throughout Baker, Umatilla, Union, and Wallowa counties though IPE experiences for rotating health professions students.
Matriculated Student Housing
NEOAHEC has housing available in six locations for professional health students that are rotating in eastern Oregon.
Simulated Education
NEOAHEC has purchased several Gaumard patient simulators and is working on a new simulation program. Our goal is an increased level of training for health care professionals completed at the local level, to provide support for practicing professionals in specialized situations, and an improved level of care for rural patients. We plan to continue to expand simulation training exercises and equipment and provide simulated education trainings in eastern Oregon.
PMHNP Distance Program
OHSU is now partnering with NEOAHEC to offer scholarships for PMHNP students to complete the OHSU Distance Program. NEOAHEC intends to provide for continued increase in mental and behavioral health workforce for place bound learners in Eastern Oregon and to sustain connections with students and advisers to promote PMHNP program.
AHEC Scholars
AHEC Scholars is an Oregon AHEC program for professional students and aims to teach future healthcare professionals about care in rural and underserved communities. NEOAHEC's role is to establish and sustain connections with students and advisers to promote AHEC Scholars, identify content experts willing to provide didactic opportunities for AHEC Scholars, and provide access to content representing healthcare in eastern Oregon.
Rural Medical Discovery
Rural Medical Discovery (RMD) program aims to show students that rural Oregon communities are great places to live, work, and play.